First Quarter:
- Exploration of the five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell).
- Introduction to weather concepts (sunny, rainy, cloudy).
- Observation of plants and animals in the environment.
Social Studies:
- Understanding “All About Me” (body parts, emotions).
- Introduction to family members and roles.
- Basic understanding of daily routines and schedules.
Second Quarter:
- Exploration of colors and shapes in the environment.
- Introduction to basic life cycles (plants, butterflies).
- Observation of seasonal changes (spring/summer).
Social Studies:
- Understanding community helpers (police officers, firefighters).
- Exploration of different types of homes and shelters.
- Introduction to simple maps (classroom, playground).
Third Quarter:
- Exploration of water and its properties (liquid, ice, steam).
- Introduction to simple machines (wheels, levers).
- Observation of insects and small animals.
Social Studies:
- Understanding different types of transportation (cars, buses, trains).
- Introduction to cultural diversity (languages, clothing, food).
- Exploration of neighborhood and local landmarks.
Fourth Quarter:
- Introduction to the human body (basic organs, bones).
- Exploration of healthy habits (exercise, hygiene).
- Observation of changes in the environment (fall/winter).
Social Studies:
- Understanding holidays and traditions.
- Exploration of different occupations and workplaces.
- Introduction to basic geography (land, water, sky).